Wednesday, January 13, 2010

EP West Coast & Coffin Bay Oyster Farm

Departing our Guese camp mid morning, overnight at Cohen rest area west of Penong, restock supplies in Streaky Bay, then head off down the West Cost of Eyre Peninsular.
Camped at 'Locks Well" Now renamed 'WINDY WELL' it blew and blew all night with a change in direction to the south right on our front window!!

Locks Well - south
This guy would not get off the road for about 1k.
Greenly beach, all changed, a lot of exposed rocks. Used to Hang Glide along the ridge here and land on the beach.
Sand Culpture
Neil had mentioned his mate Anthony had an Oyster farm and possible camping on his beach, so we pulled into Coffin Bay to check his place out. Anthony invited us to visit his Oyster farm later in the week. 
Oyster sorter and counter. Neat equipment. Two Million oyster seed or sprats start the growing season, as the oysters grow they are sorted 6 times as they fill the growing basket. Labour intensive, but what a work environment.

I get to help out with this mornings load. This is a very light day, the vessel is usually stacked two high.
There's a heap of oysters out here, about two acres!
We are nearly done for the day.
'Captain' Anthony teaching us all about OYSTER FARMING
 = Hard Work!

Running repairs with floating tool box.

These Oyster grow out in 18 to 24 months, good shape and clean. Anthony kindly poured this basket of 75 in a bag for us. Wow! we were like kid's in a candy store. But heaps better than any candy, and I got pritty good at opening oysters!